What is the Best Season to Plant Landscape Trees and Shrubs and Why

The best season to plant trees and shrubs is Fall. Starting in late September until December or until the ground freezes.

If you’ve never planted a tree or shrub before, read this.

This foundation wall was planted Nov. 2013.

This foundation wall was planted Nov. 2013. (Before)

Green velvet boxwood transplanted Fall 2013.

Green velvet boxwood transplanted Fall 2013. (After six months)

Fall planting encourages the roots to grow into the new soil and get a head start for Spring. Fall soil temperature is higher than the air temperature so the roots will continue growing until Frost.

Less irrigation is needed during the fall and dormant season from December to March it’s almost nonexistent. That means less watering work.

What to do when installing in Fall

  • Mulch the plant with pine tree bark, fir bark, or pine straw. This helps lock in moisture
  • Make sure to back fill the hole with loose soil and irrigate the plant to eliminate air pockets
  • Check the soil moisture with your finger right on the root ball. It doesn’t matter anywhere else. Irrigate if needed.

The second best season is Spring, followed by Summer. During the growing season, more water is needed to help the plants through transplant shock toward establishment.

Heck, you can even plant during Winter. Just not when the ground is frozen. Get started today!