Step 7 – Labor of Love or Just Labor?

By now you see the journey before you. This isn’t instant gratification. The delayed gratification will be tremendous. You’re going to be so glad you started two years from now!

This patio needs privacy for entertainment and sunbathing. Before and after five years later.

Arborvitae Arbor –  Before and after five years later.

It feels like work at first. I know that. I have felt the feeling of chores. However, you’re setting up a memory making environment.

Some of my favorite memories occurred outdoors, like throwing the baseball with my dad. I’ll never forget the prickly Rotunda Chinese Holly that I had to reach under to get the ball! I hate that plant! No wonder I like Japanese Holly better…

Instant gratification is overrated. Follow the first six steps to save time and money then stop and smell the roses. By biggest weakness is that I don’t take enough pictures.

Continue to sharpen the saw (learn more) by walking your landscape and appreciating all the fine details. The best gardeners and homeowners can see all the intricate detail about their landscapes. If something is amiss, a quick problem can be corrected before major plant decline or death.

Your landscape is always alive and changing. You have different natural processes occurring each season. Start small and good luck. Fail early and often. It’s the best way to learn!

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, give me a call or email me to schedule your FREE site audit. If you need a task calendar simply search on google.