What Everybody Ought To Know…About Landscaping Around Utility Boxes

Leyland Cypress in the Wrong Place

Do you have underground utility boxes in your landscape? Or something else unsightly? The easiest way to hide this necessary eyesore is to install evergreen plants to hide the view. The landscape problem arises when the wrong plant is installed. Leyland Cypress (x Cuprocyparis leylandii) grows too wide and tall unless it’s sheared regularly. In this […]

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Speak Landscape Like A Pro…What does Deciduous and Evergreen Mean?

You just want privacy? I recommend evergreen plants. You want fall color? I recommend deciduous varieties. Deciduous means the leaves drop off in the Fall and grow new leaves in the Spring. This is the opposite of evergreen. Deciduous is most often used referring to shade trees. Oaks, maples, etc. drop their leaves during the […]

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Right and Wrong Plant Install Methods – And Little Pointers That Will Increase Your Success

Hollywood Juniper under transplant shock. The soil root ball was incorrectly installed.

A beautiful tree is bought and installed the same day. Two weeks (or two months) later the leaves are wilting or the needles are turning brown. What happened? The plant is in transplant shock. What? When it was planted or transplanted, something happened that increased plant stress tremendously. Wait, stress, shock, is this even real? […]

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